Peter and Renée Overbosch

Nature photography       

360 Panoramas

Below some (not all) 360 panoramas from various trips are linked, with a special mention of Stargazers - - where hosts Alastair and Harriette Brickell run a wonderful bed & breakfast and provide very enjoyable and informative astronomy tours at their private observatory.

The night pano is - inevitably - a bit noisy, and with exposure times around 1 minute for each shot, the stars are a bit blurry. The shot has only been possible because of the clarity of the nightskies over NZ, which we had never seen to such a degree in W-Europe. It allows for spectacular "gazing" at Stargazers.  Warmly recommended.

The other pano's are from various other picturesque (or so we thought) places we stayed.

NZ: 360 Stargazers during the day

NZ: 360 Stargazers at night

NZ: 360 Coromandel Beach

NZ: 360 Hawkes Bay

NZ: 360 Golden Bay

NZ: 360 Lake Tekapo

NZ: 360 Thames

Suriname: Sutopia Lodge (pano-1)

Suriname: Sutopia Lodge (pano-2)

Suriname: Fredberg (pano-1)

Suriname: Fredberg (pano-2)

Suriname: Kabalebo


Tech stuff

The panos were made with with a Canon 8-15mm @8mm, 4 in the round and 5 HDR for each position (typically   -2 to +2) on a RRS pano setup, post-processed with SNS HDR and stitched/converted for the web with PTGUI with some help (for zenith and nadir) from PANO2VR and Photoshop.

Recently all RAWs were converted with DXO Pure Raw before further processing.